Kate Davies
Venue Design & Delivery
An experienced RICS chartered project manager who has delivered projects across multiple sectors including residential new build, commercial fit-out, infrastructure and data centres including working on Europe's largest residential passivhaus development.
Career Highlight
Working as part of the team developing the "Value Toolkit" which has now become a BSI Flex standard to define how value-based procurement decisions can be made in the public sector
Personal Best
Running a 4h marathon after eight months training, having never run further than 3km previously. My toenails have never recovered!
Projects - Trivandi
Projects - Others
2 Trafalgar Way - New Build - Canary Wharf • Consort Place - New Build - Canary Wharf • KPMG Tech Lab Fit-Out • Colt Power gate Data Centre Expansion • Cyxtera LHR1-B Data Centre • Formula E Head Office Fit-Out • Heathrow Terminal 3 Baggage Hall